Commercial & Family Farming Safety

  • What Is Commercial & Family Farm Safety?

    Agriculture is a wide-ranging, multifaceted industry that poses numerous hazards to employees. If you run an agribusiness operation, protecting your workers is a top priority. Safety Made Simple offers a variety of training programs to help keep your team safe. Our goal is to provide relevant, easy-to-apply information to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. While most farming operations take safety seriously, it's easy to overlook many potential hazards. Our goal is to provide training that fills the gaps in workers' knowledge and increases their awareness of the potential dangers. They'll be able to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their co-workers.

  • About Our Commercial & Family Farm Safety Training

    We provide access to an assortment of interactive online programs covering the agriculture safety hazards that impact your business. Examples from our extensive course catalog include:

    Tractor Safety: Our interactive online program shows you how to apply safe tractor operator practices, how to prevent rollovers and runovers and the importance of pre-use inspections.

    Heat Safety: Working in the heat is the standard operating procedure in many agribusiness applications. Use this Safety Made Simple course to learn more about the dangers of heat and the appropriate precautions for staying safe.

    Implements of Agriculture: Farmers and retail agronomy workers rely on fertilizer spreaders, liquid fertilizer tenders, planting equipment, and other implements. By the end of this course, you'll know how to use and transport this machinery safely.

    Courses are available that provide training on other pertinent agricultural safety topics like tractor safety, grain entrapment and engulfment, grain dust explosions, anhydrous ammonia use and transportation, EPA Worker Protection Standard, all-terrain vehicles, machine guarding, applicator safety, fumigation hazards and retail facility security.

  • Additional Training Categories