Companies and business operations of all types and sizes can experience conflicts between employees. Safety Made Simple offers human resources training programs that help establish a safer, more collaborative and inclusive workforce focusing on communication and trust. Through these courses, you'll also learn how to detect and prevent potential issues in the early stages. Human resource training optimizes employee performance and teaches employees how to deal with unique and sometimes hazardous situations, improve workplace relationships, optimize employee performance, and stay compliant with state and federal regulations.
Our online courses provide insight into the issues impacting your organization. Examples from our extensive course catalog include:
Active Shooter: Our active shooter training course covers the best practices for responding to these potentially life-threatening incidents. You'll also learn how to react when law enforcement personnel arrive on the scene.
Reasonable Suspicion Awareness: Reasonable suspicion training helps you recognize the warning signs of substance use and other issues. Discover the best ways to approach your employees and handle these challenging situations.
Sexual Harassment Training: Our sexual harassment training courses for managers and employees enable viewers to identify behaviors that contribute to a hostile work environment and learn best practices for preventing and responding to them.
Managing Risk in an Aging Workforce: This course helps you recognize the common myths and misconceptions about older workers and identify the benefits they bring to the workforce.
Ethical Behavior in the Workplace: Use the information from this course to develop a moral, honest culture that fosters trust and allows workers to perform at their best.
Other HR training course topics include workplace violence, generational differences, improving relationships and managing workplace anger.