Agronomy Safety

  • What Is Agronomy Safety?

    Do your agricultural operations engage in the application of pesticides and ammonia? You probably know that some aspects of agronomy-related tasks can create hazardous working conditions for your employees. Safety Made Simple can help by offering various agronomy training courses focusing on workplace safety. Knowledge of safe pesticide handling and storage practices is crucial for preventing catastrophic incidents. Industry-specific training programs, such as those offered by Safe Made Simple, provide the information employees need to protect themselves and their co-workers. These programs also enable management personnel to understand what it takes to create a less hazardous work environment for their teams.

  • About Our Agronomy Safety Training

    At Safety Made Simple, we provide industry-specific training courses that teach workers how to develop and maintain a safety mindset. Our agronomy-related courses include:

    Pesticide Safety: Many common pesticides used in farming operations pose a significant risk to workers. Our online training session covers best practices for handling and storing these products. It also addresses the symptoms of pesticide poisoning and how your workers can protect themselves.

    Applicator Safety in the Field: This informative 20-minute online session discusses safe practices when using fertilizer and pesticide applicators. Topics include using personal protective equipment (PPE), responding to spills, and implementing appropriate hygiene procedures.

    We also offer courses on pertinent agricultural safety topics that extend beyond grain handling systems. Examples include pesticide safety, implements of agriculture, sweep auger safety, belt conveyor safety, anhydrous ammonia, tractor safety, all-terrain vehicles, and personal protective equipment (PPE) safety.

  • Additional Training Categories