Course catalog
DOT / Driver & Vehicle
Equipment Maintenance
Food Safety
Human Resource Development
Industrial Mobile Equipment
SMS Orientation
English & Spanish
- SMS000
Management SMS Orientation: Success Is Up To You
- SMS001
Beginners Guide
- SMS005
Violence in the Workplace
- SMS006
Generational Differences
- SMS007
Pesticide Safety
- SMS008
- SMS009
Moving Vehicle Safety
- SMS010
Skid Steer Loader
- SMS011
Walking & Working Surfaces: Preventing Slips Trips and Falls
- SMS012
Permit Required Confined Space Entry: Atmospheric Monitoring and Ventilation
- SMS013
Hazardous Atmospheres In Confined Spaces
- SMS014
Permit Required Confined Space Entry: The Basics
- SMS015
Near Miss Reporting: Don’t Miss an Opportunity
- SMS016
PPE Basics
- SMS017
Truck Dump Safety
- SMS018
Enhancing Work Relationships
- SMS019
Managing Risk in an Aging Workforce
- SMS020
Fall Arrest And Restraint Protection
- SMS020
Fall Protection: Introduction to Fall Arrest and Restraint
- SMS021
Buried in Grain: Grain Entrapment and Engulfment
- SMS022
Towing Equipment
- SMS023
Bloodborne Pathogens
- SMS024
Heat Safety: Avoid the Stress
- SMS025
Safe Entry: Grain Storage Structures
- SMS026
Sexual Harassment Awareness for Managers
- SMS027
It Was a Good Friday: Grain Entrapment & Engulfment
- SMS028
Three Point Rule: Preventing Slips and Falls
- SMS029
Hearing Protection
- SMS030
Machine Guarding
- SMS031
Ethical Behavior in the Workplace
- SMS032
Workplace Anger
- SMS033
Sexual Harassment Training for Employees
- SMS034
Rail Safety Training: The Basics
- SMS035
Defensive Driving for Commercial Drivers
- SMS036
Anhydrous Ammonia: General Awareness
- SMS037
Particulate Respirators
- SMS038
Lockout Tagout: When In Doubt, Lock and Tag It Out
- SMS039
Hot Work Safety Precautions: Preventing Catastrophe
- SMS040
Grain Dust Explosions: The Chain Reaction
- SMS041
Grain Dust Explosions: Prevention
- SMS042
Pre and Post Trip Equipment Inspections
- SMS043
Anhydrous Ammonia: Use & Transportation in Agriculture
- SMS044
Railcar Fall Protection Training
- SMS045
Sweep Auger Safety
- SMS046
Arc Flash
- SMS047
Pesticide Repackaging
- SMS048
Safe Lifting
- SMS049
First Aid Basics
- SMS050
HACCP: The Basics
- SMS051
Worker Protection Standard: An Overview
- SMS052
Front-End Loaders
- SMS053
Aerial Lifts – Elevadores Aéreos
- SMS054
Barge Safety
- SMS055
Hoists and Rigging
- SMS056
Fumigation Hazards
- SMS057
Hand and Portable Power Tools
- SMS058
Sanitation and Pest Control
- SMS059
Good Manufacturing Practices: The Basics
- SMS060
Tanker Operations
- SMS061
Hazmat For Commercial Drivers
- SMS062
Rail Safety Training: Operations
- SMS063
Reasonable Suspicion Awareness
- SMS064
Roadside Safety
- SMS065
Substance Abuse Awareness for Employees
- SMS066
Substance Abuse Awareness Training For Managers
- SMS067
Traceability and Recall
- SMS067
Load Securement
- SMS069
Hazard Communications: Safety Data Sheets
- SMS070
Active Shooter
- SMS071
Winter Weather Safety
- SMS072
Forklift Safety
- SMS073
Oxy Fuel Welding and Cutting
- SMS074
Transitioning From Peer To Supervisor
- SMS075
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
- SMS076
Small Spill Response
- SMS077
Portable Ladders
- SMS078
Pesticide Applicator Safety In The Field
- SMS079
Housekeeping And Combustible Dust
- SMS080
Portable Fire Extinguishers
- SMS081
Distracted Driving Awareness
- SMS082
- SMS083
Air-Purifying Respirators
- SMS084
Performance Coaching
- SMS085
Manlift Safety
- SMS086
Exit Routes and Emergency Response
- SMS087
Substance Abuse Training For Commercial Drivers
- SMS088
Basic Electrical Safety
- SMS089
Effective Communication for Supervisors
- SMS090
Refined Fuels Delivery
- SMS091
Lockout Tagout: The Basics
- SMS092
Effective Communication & Active Listening
- SMS093
Active Listening for Supervisors
- SMS094
All-Terrain Vehicles
- SMS095
Pandemic Awareness
- SMS096
Hazard Communication: Labels and Pictograms
- SMS097
Delegation for Supervisors
- SMS098
Team Building Training for Supervisors
- SMS099
PPE: Eye and Face Protection
- SMS100
Conflict Management Training For Supervisors
- SMS101
Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers
- SMS102
Retail Facility Security
- SMS103
Time Management Training for Supervisors
- SMS104
Bucket Elevator: Components and Operation
- SMS105
Lockout Tagout: Complex Procedures
- SMS106
Propane Delivery
- SMS107
Fall Protection: Working at Heights
- SMS108
Goal Setting Skills for Supervisors
- SMS109
Bucket Elevator: Maintenance
- SMS110
Job Hazard Analysis
- SMS111
Dust Collector: Maintenance
- SMS112
Scaffolding Safety
- SMS113
Face Coverings
- SMS114
Belt Conveyors: Maintenance
- SMS115
PPE: Head and Foot Protection
- SMS116
PPE: Hand and Body Protection
- SMS117
Screw and Chain Conveyors: Maintenance
- SMS118
Personal Hygiene and Employee Illness Reporting
- SMS119
Diversity and Inclusion
- SMS120
Hours of Service – Agricultural Commodity Transporters
- SMS121
Grain Dryers: Maintenance
- SMS122
Food Safety: Food Defense Awareness
- SMS123
Hazardous Grain Conditions: Engulfment
- SMS124
Implements of Agriculture
- SMS125
Interpersonal Skills
- SMS126
Mobile Crane Operation
- SMS127
Crane Safety And Signaling
- SMS128
Tractor Safety
- SMS129
The Brandan Wenta Tragedy
- SMS130
DOT Hazmat Training: En-Route Security
- SMS131
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
- SMS132
Allergen Handling
- SMS133
Suicide Prevention
- SMS134
Belt Conveyor Safety Course
- SMS135
Compressed Gas Cylinders
- SMS136
Dealing with Stressful Situations
- SMS137
Trenching and Excavating
- SMS138
Hazard Monitoring Equipment
- SMS139
Heat Illness Prevention
- SMS140
Foreign Material Control
- SMS141
Grain Harvest Safety
- SMS142
Pesticide Spray Drift Prevention
- SMS143
Emergency Eyewashes and Showers
- SMS144
Recordkeeping Requirements
- SMS145
Handling Difficult Customers
- SMS146
Rough Terrain Forklifts: Telehandlers
- SMS147
Electrical Gloves
- SMS148
Flammable Liquids: Bonding & Grounding
- SMS149
OSHA Grain Handling Standard Overview
- SMS150
Severe Weather
- SMS151
Wheeled Rim Tire Safety
- SMS152
Silage Safety
- SMS153
Food Safety PPE
- SMS154
Mobile Cranes: Personnel Platforms
- SMS155
Ag Chemical Transportation and Hazmat Awareness
- SMS156
Mobile Cranes: Rigging
- SMS157
Agriculture Vehicle Safety
- SMS158
Ergonomics for Operations Workers
- SMS159
Preventing Worker Fatigue
- SMS160
Food Safety: Chemical Control
- SMS200
Feedyard Safety Orientation: The Critical 1st Step
- SMS201
Low-Stress Cattle Handling: The Basics
- SMS202
Low-Stress Cattle Handling: Receiving and Initial Processing
- SMS203
Low-Stress Cattle Handling: Acclimation
- SMS204
Low-Stress Cattle Handling: Pen Checking
- SMS205
Low Stress Cattle Handling: Pulling Singles
- SMS206
Low-Stress Cattle Handling: Shipping
- SMS207
Low Stress-Cattle Handling: Pen Emptying
- SMS208
Low-Stress Cattle Handling: Reprocessing
- SMS209
Feedyard Driving Safety
- SMS210
Cowboy Safety: Horses and Pen Conditions
- SMS211
Cowboy Safety: Cattle Movement
- SMS215
Air Quality In Confined Spaces
- SMS300
General Dairy Safety
- SMS301
Moving & Treating Animals Safely
- SMS302
Milker Safety
- SMS303
Calf-Care Safety
- SMS304
Safety When Administering Treatment